This is one of my personal favorite sets ever - just look at those smooth natural amethyst droplets delicately wrapped with oxidized silver. Perfect modern and same time classy set!
Chain length (included in price of pendant) is 50 cm Pendant size 4 x 2 cm Earrings drop length is 5 cm. the are medium weight
You can also have the items separately - just choose from menu the option that you need.
There is some meaning behind this beautiful jewelry you might be interested to know...
According to the myth, the god Bacchus was angry, and had vowed to descend a hoard of tigers upon the first person who crossed his path. Amethyst was on her way to give thanks at the shine of the god Diana, when she happened upon Bacchus. Before the tigers could eat Amethyst, she was saved by Diana, who turned her into a clear crystal. Bacchus, remorseful for the fate he had so recklessly caused the girl, poured the juice of grapes over the stone as an offering, and thus bestowed the crystal with its unique purple coloring. The greeks gave amethyst crystal meaning, perpetuating a belief that it could inhibit the intoxication of all who wore it.
Purple combines the calm stability of blue and the fierce energy of red. The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic.